Needs List
Listed below are a variety of in-kind contributions that we are actively seeking. Do you have something else to offer that isn't mentioned here? Feel free to get in touch with us! We're eager to receive your ideas and suggestions.
Highest Priority Right Now
Student roster of 60 students who pay the 2024 registration fees ($997 per student) and commit to ongoing attendance.
$150,000 to launch the academy and cover the first 2-3 months of expenses.
Donations of cash and services. (See professional services needs below.)
Volunteers to help with our eBay donated book-selling ongoing fundraiser. This task mostly involves listing the donated books we receive on eBay. We have a documented procedure and can quickly train people to do this at our office location. As this operation scales, we will need more warehouse and work space.
In General
1. Spread the word and recruit families. We would like 80 attendees of our December 5, 2023 fundraising, information, and registration event.
2. Spread the word and recruit donors.
Cash donors
Land/building donor
3. Professional Services:
4. Event attendance
Person to oversee the whole process
Find local conferences and events to attend, set up a booth, etc.
Volunteers to man the booths
5. Make a video
Interview people involved with the project
Interview people of interest (students, parents, teachers, psychologists, college admissions, businesspeople, etc.)
Incorporate material from similar projects/videos (with permissions)
Compile into a video
6. Find local radio/TV/media/newspaper/magazine spots
Free PSAs
News and articles